
Hi! I have several online identities, but I most commonly go by khiro or khiroptera. This is probably going to be my personal website for the time being. So, uhh, enjoy your stay?

This site is currently under construction while I figure out what to do with it. Hopefully there will be some flavor here soon. Here's a shitty poem I wrote about procrastination in the meantime.

Symphony of Flies


As a snake slithers down a well-traveled trail,

A single fly zings by with intent to derail.

The serpent flicks its head without much travail,

Unbothered, it charges deeper into the vale.


A band of flies buzzes behind the snake’s head.

They persist, relentless, a chilling sense of dread.

The snake quickens pace, attempts to pull ahead,

But all it sees onward is a landscape of red.


Cornered, out of luck, the serpent must turn back,

To behold the consequences of its own slack.

Countless specks loom, forming a skyline of black.

An orchestra of flies, a discordant attack.


The doomed snake defends with a gnaw and a gnash,

But with every fly down, another forms from ash.

The symphony of flies rushes bold and brash.

And puts a violent end to the poor snake’s mad dash.